Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) .NET
2) Activex OLE
3) ADO Database
4) Algorithm Math
5) API
6) COM
7) Compiler Directives
8) Constants
9) Examples
10) Files
11) Forms
12) Forum
13) Functions
14) Games
15) Graphic
16) Hardware
17) Ide Indy
18) Keywords
19) LAN Web TCP
20) Multimedia
21) OOP
22) Printing
23) Procedures
24) String
25) Strings
26) System
27) Types
28) Variables
29) VCL
30) XML
1) Adding a document to the windows 95 start buttons documents
2) Adding install to win95 add-remove programs
3) Adding system menu items to a form
4) Adding truetype fonts to windows in code
5) Alloting cpu time
6) Application associated with a specific file name extension
7) Broadcasting a message
8) Calling windows registerclass function
9) Can i get function params from a dll
10) Changing the background color of text
11) Changing the display mode settings in code
12) Changing the printer port in code
13) Changing the windows wallpaper in code
14) Checking available disk space on large drives
15) Checking drive ready status
16) Checking if truetype fonts are available
17) Clearing the recent documents from the start menu
18) Closing popup menu in system tray application
19) Color reduction techniques for graphics
20) Controlling shortcut keystrokes in a string grid
21) Converting from long to short file names and paths
22) Converting resources from 16bit to 32bit
23) Copycursor
24) Copying contents of a control to the clipboard
25) Copying files using the standard windows copy file dialog box
26) Creating a custom word break procedure
27) Creating a delay without a timer
28) Creating a file association for my application
29) Creating a flashing icon
30) Creating a non-vcl console project
31) Creating a palette with more than one entry
32) Creating a rotated font
33) Creating a win95 shell icon application
34) Defining primarylangid[], sublangid[], and makelangid[] macros
35) Detecting how many jobs are in the print spooler
36) Detecting if the printscreen key has been pressed
37) Detecting if the system time has been changed
38) Detecting plugnplay hardware changes
39) Detecting the full path-filename of a dll
40) Determine the last access time of a given file
41) Determining drive type
42) Determining if delphi running
43) Determining is a canvas is a metafile canvas
44) Determining minor version number
45) Disabling close button of a window
46) Disabling full window drag
47) Disabling the system keys from your application
48) Disabling the win95 start button
49) Disabling the windows screen saver at runtime
50) Display running processes on your pc
51) Displaying a bitmap on the client area of an mdi parent form
52) Displaying a files associated icon
53) Displaying an application associated icons
54) Does delphi have an equivalent for the vb function doevents
55) Drag and drop with files
56) Drawing in scale without using windows mapping modes
57) Dropping a comboboxs list in code
58) Embedding a page break in the rich edit control
59) Executing a lnk file
60) Executing a program from my application
61) Executing and application by extention
62) Executing the explorer find file dialog
63) External function failure when passing boolean parms
64) Extracting an icon from a exe or dll
65) Extracting icons
66) Formatting a drive under win32
67) Generating a windows console application
68) Get the version of windows at runtime
69) Getting a list of the available drives on a system
70) Getting a list of valid time zones from windows
71) Getting an handle to a window in another application
72) Getting and monitoring caps lock status
73) Getting file system information
74) Getting modem status under win32
75) Getting the filename and path of a local table
76) Getting the handle of a window containing a dos box
77) Getting the longfilename from a file
78) Getting the serial number of a disk
79) Getting the size of the desktop
80) Getting the taskbar handle
81) Getting the time and date in universal time
82) Getting the win95 desktop listview handle
83) Getting the windows directory
84) Getting the windows version in code
85) Getting user name and company info from windows
86) Handling previous instances of an application
87) Hidden limitations in tinifile
88) Hiding the windows taskbar
89) How call a cpl application from delphi
90) How can i close the cd tray in code
91) How can i detect if a given key was pressed during application during startup
92) How can i determine the names of the installed comm ports
93) How can i dial out through the modem under win32
94) How can i draw directly on the windows desktop
95) How can i get serial number of my drive
96) How can i get the default windows folders
97) How do i convert a color to a shade of gray
98) How do i create an icon from a bitmap
99) How do i draw using loenglish mapping modes
100) How do i get the version information for a file
101) How do i launch a control panel applet
102) How do i print in color
103) How do i restart windows in code
104) How do i use paths and geometric pens
105) How many colors will my display mode support
106) change your screen resolution
107) determine if the active desktop is enabled
108) determine the language of the windows installation
109) disable the close x button on a form
110) dynamically net send a messages to a remote pc
111) force a drop-down combo to drop its list down
112) get destkop folder location
113) get the current username
114) get the location of the task bar
115) have only one instance of your application run on a pc
116) kill a running applicaton using the file name
117) make a form non-moveable
118) make a transparent form under windows 2000 and xp
119) prevent extended close options in your application
120) recognize a applications is frozen or not responding
121) retrieve list of exported functions from a dll
122) run another program and wait until its finished
123) use transparent forms in delphi practical advices
124) Is my machine connected to the network
125) Keeping an application in a minimized state
126) Launching your default browser on a url
127) Making ini file changes permanent
128) Making text background transparent
129) Maping a dll into another process
130) Non vcl bitmap buffering
131) Opening an explorer window to a given folder
132) Opening and closing a cd tray
133) Passing string parameters to winapi functions
134) Passing tprinter handle to getdevicecaps[]
135) Prevent window update
136) Preventing a form from re-sizing
137) Preventing an application from closing
138) Preventing multiple application instances
139) Preventing windows task switching
140) Programatically installing printer driver
141) Programmatically closing another application
142) Ptinregion pixel function
143) Reading dos environment variables
144) Refreshing the windows desktop
145) Removing a forms caption bar
146) Retrieving a long file name from the command line
147) Retrieving a users login name
148) Retrieving the program that is associated with a given extension
149) Rotating a metafile
150) Running apps on windows startup
151) Sending a file to the windows recycle bin
152) Set the system date and time in delphi
153) Setting a forms maxwidth in code
154) System modal windows on winnt
155) Temporarily turning off range checking
156) Timed beeps from the pc speaker
157) To send mail from shellexecute command
158) Trapping for when a user is done resizing a window
159) Trapping messages sent to an application
160) Trapping the windows system key printscreen
161) Trying to delete a running exe
162) Turning an low power compliant monitor off
163) Turning on screen saver with code
164) Typecasting a pchar to a longint
165) Universal naming convention [unc]
166) Using createprocess to execute programs
167) Using findfirst to search for files
168) Using gettimezoneinformation[] function
169) Using invalidaterect[]to repaint the entire form
170) Using mouse_event[] to similate mouse events
171) Using tapi
172) Using the lzexpand functions in your applications
173) Using the shell api function shbrowseforfolder
174) Using the win api high resolution performance counter
175) Using the winapi getobject to get a bitmap
176) Using wm_copydata
177) Why am i having trouble displaying and-or printing a very large bitmap
178) Yielding cycles to other applications